Vehicle sales
We strive to maintain a large inventory of premium class vehicles so that our customers can view all possible models on site within their chosen budget.
Find out more
Delivery on request
In cases where we do not have what you like, we can offer delivery of a custom-made vehicle that fully meets your criteria. We select these vehicles extremely carefully and precisely, and guarantee their quality.
Purchase of vehicles
Do you want to sell your vehicle? We can evaluate it, buy it up, transfer it, and pay it on the same day, and you will receive the payment immediately. Do it quickly and at a good price with us! Find out more. Find out more
Vehicle exchange (barter)
Do you want to replace your old vehicle with a new one? We offer a quick appraisal of your vehicle within 30 minutes. If the price offered suits you, you can pay for your new vehicle through leasing or by bank transfer. And in case you choose a cheaper vehicle, we will pay the difference on the same day.
We offer various options for financing the purchase of a passenger car. For more information about our terms and conditions
Delivery to your door
We value our customers’ time! If you want to purchase a vehicle, but you are unable to come to us, we can come to you. You will have the opportunity to test drive the vehicle, and if you like it, all documents and formalities will be completed on site, in the comfort of your home or office.
Доставка извън България
Продажба на консигнация
Доставка до ВАШАТА врата
Delivery outside of Bulgaria
If you are outside the country, we can deliver your chosen vehicle to any point in Europe. Together with the vehicle, we will deliver all the necessary documents for its purchase. If you are having a barter, we will take care of that too.
- Финансов лизинг
- Оперативен лизинг
- Обратен лизинг
- Разсрочено плащане
- Дългосрочен наем
при всеки, от който получавате:
- Одобрение до 2 часа
- Одобрение само по лична карта
- Без наказателна лихва при предсрочно погасяване
- Изключително гъвкави условия
- Условия съобразени с Вашите нужди и възможности
Consignment sale
We offer the option to leave your vehicle for sale with us. We will conclude a contract and your vehicle will be exhibited throughout the European market with a professional photo shoot and options for leasing and barter sales. And our experts will make sure to keep it in its best shape while the sale is ongoing.
Vehicle insurance
Auto cosmetic services
- Contact numbers: +359 882 451 292 and +359 886 203 403
- E-mail: [email protected]
- We work from 08:00 am to 08:00 pm.
We are looking forward to meet you!
Repair and maintenance operations
- We have our own service centre, which offers the following:
- Computer diagnostics of cars and trucks
- Undercarriage repair
- Engine repair
- Auto painting and bodywork services
The service centre has a large base, its own paint booth, modern equipment and an experienced team of professionals.
За Ваше удобство автокозметичните центрове работят денонощно.
Всички наши редовни клиенти ползват отстъпки!
Автокозметичният център разполага със собствено кафе.
За контакти:
Софавто Авангард „Зимен дворец”- ж.к.”Студентски град” зад Зимния дворец
тел. 02/962 39 55
email: [email protected]
мобилен номер: +359 885 597 996
Сервизна дейност
- Фирмата разполага със собствен сервиз, предлагащ следните услуги:
- Компютърна диагностика на леки и товарни автомобили
- Ремонт ходова част на леки и товарни автомобили
- Ремонт двигатели
- Автотенекеджийски услуги
Експорт/импорт на автомобили
Имаме възможност да намерим и доставим автомобил по ваши критерии до 48 часа, като даваме гаранция за качеството му. Имаме възможност да доставим и товарни автомобили, строителна и селскостопанска техника в изключително кратки срокове.
Contact us
We can provide you with a sample description and inspection of an available vehicle based on its description on demand, so that you can get a more realistic idea ofhow detailed our inspections are.